If you have found that you have booked the wrong dates or times, please contact the airline or travel agent that you booked with as they're best placed to help you change your flights to the intended dates or times.
On Skyscanner, you have the option to search for flights on flexible or specific dates to find your preferred flight. When you select a flight, you're then transferred to the travel provider's website to make your booking. Once you get redirected to the airline or travel agent website, you might be required to select dates again, depending on the website. In all cases, you'll be shown the flight details of your selection. Before confirming payment, you must state that you have checked all the details and agreed to the terms and conditions. We strongly recommend that you always check this information carefully, as it can be difficult and expensive to change flights, according to often strict airlines rules and fees.
If you know who you booked with, and just need their contact information, you can find them by clicking the link below.